Accessing WAN Moden from behind firewall
I want to access my Modem from inside the lan network, but I cant seem to get there. I found a Netgate document detaining what I need to do, but the option to create a new OPT Interface does not exist on an SG-1100. Can anyone help me?
The document im following is this:
You shouldn't have to do anything special, as pfSense should just route connections to the modem out the same interface as you use to get to the Internet. For example, I can just open a browser to (That address is secret, so please don't tell anyone.
haha - your secret is out @JKnott my modem is using the same IP ;) heheheh
Thanks for your replies guys. Strangely I use that same IP too!!!
Unfortunatekly I use a Draytek 130 modem in Bridge mode, so I use a PPPoE connection on my WAN. So I am unable to connect across that way. When I connect my laptop directly to the modem I can access it and the stats im looking for. It's just a bit of a pain!
well yeah if your using a pppoe connection you would have to create vip on your wan (physical) interface to let pfsense know it can talk to that 192.168.100 network, and nat to its say address to talk to it.
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