Cannot access Blacklist page for proxyfilter squidguard
i am learning pfsense and was trying to follow along this video configure url filtering . after i selected the site as url filter and clicked on blacklist tab i got below error.
404 - Not Foundi am at the latest and greatest pfsense. :-[
seems like i have resolved it…
i remvoed some packages that were to show interface statistics do not remember names .
but if someone could point me towards logs files from where i can extract those package name i will post them.i went to status and services and i couldnt start squid and squidfilter service. they would start and then shutdown automatically .. tried reboot no luck so i removed some packagtes and then started squid proxy service but still couldnt start proxyfilter service .. anyhow i quickly went to blaklist tab and luckily it worked.