Pfblocker-NG blocking white-listed website
Greetings to All,
I observed an issue from last 4 days in pfblockerNG . my skype and hotmail are blocked for unknown reason when I look into report and add source filter to my IP address I found policy blocked by DNSBLIP_v4 .
Although I've added skype hotmail outlook all in white listed . I've added certain IPs in bypass list for resolver configuration but still hotmail is blocked . I don't know what had happened suddenly . Any idea what could be the issue.
server: access-control-view: bypass access-control-view: dnsbl view: name: "bypass" view-first: yes view: name: "dnsbl" view-first: yes include: /var/unbound/pfb_dnsbl.*conf
any one have any idea what went wrong , it was working fine couple of days back.
You mean a IPv4 List you created is now not working?
I'm having the same problem with a brand new setup + List.
Cant create it, when it tries to update it gives me custom error list!
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