How to get Telegram and Squid Proxy to work.
Apologies in advance, I'm still going through all the threads.
I'm looking for a consolidated set of instructions to get squid http working with telegram in pfsense. I've added the IPs tot he whitelist and did a simple SpliceAll however I'm still getting TCP_MISS/200.
Am I missing soemthing else?
I've also tried to just disable SSL Filtering (default) and added to the white list but still no results.
HTTP responde code 200 means 'OK, your request was processed fine',
it's the 'everything ok' return code.
TCP_MISS means there was no cached answer for that query and so it was fetched from the origin server.
It's definitely not an error, there's absolutely nothing wrong on
seeing LOTS of those on your access.log files, as you're certainly face
LOTS of 'everything ok' requests and lots of them will not be fetched
from the cached objects. -
Thanks, it looks like it was working just the account got locked out, had to reset it.