Streaming is being blocked on Roku
I have unblocked everything that pops in Alerts and still no go.
Only option I can figure out is unblock the Roku device for all traffic but still have everything else go through pfBlockerNG. Is this the proper way to do so?
My network is
adding this to Services-->DNS Resolver --> Custom Optionsserver: # bypass for Roku access-control-view: #Roku is statically assigned .121 access-control-view: #rest of subnet view: name: "bypass" view-first: yes view: name: "dnsbl" view-first: yes server:include: /var/unbound/pfb_dnsbl.*conf
I am getting the following error:
The following input errors were detected:
- The generated config file cannot be parsed by unbound. Please correct the following errors:
- /var/unbound/test/unbound.conf:116: error: unknown keyword ''
- read /var/unbound/test/unbound.conf failed: 1 errors in configuration file
Have you tried putting this Roku on it's own subnet, with NO blocking from pfBlockerNG? Isolate it from the other networks, if possible, and set it to be wide open, nothing blocking, nothing in the way. Set the DNS on this subnet to either your ISP's servers, or google DNS, like @johnpoz says below.
@amrogers3 said in Streaming is being blocked on Roku:
You have no name on your views.. so yeah can see why it would balk at that.
access-control-view: <IP netblock> <view name> Set view for given access control element.
And you shouldn't have that 2nd server: in there either.
Wouldn't it be just easier to assign your roku a different dns, say - not sure why your roku would need to resolve anything on your local network anyway.
@johnpoz said in Streaming is being blocked on Roku:
You have no name on your views.. so yeah can see why it would balk at that.
access-control-view: <IP netblock> <view name> Set view for given access control element.
And you shouldn't have that 2nd server: in there either.
Wouldn't it be just easier to assign your roku a different dns, say - not sure why your roku would need to resolve anything on your local network anyway.
Thank you all for the responses.
EDIT: I had to go back and edit my original reply. I realized I am forcing DNS requests over CloudFlare and I also have two NICs and two different LANS, and
I changed the Resolver code:
server: access-control-view: dnsbl #All devices on this subnet run through pfBlockerNG DNSBL access-control-view: bypass #Roku IP is bypassing pfBlockerNG DNSBL view: name: "bypass" view-first: yes view: name: "dnsbl" view-first: yes include: /var/unbound/pfb_dnsbl.*conf
However, I am noticing that ads are allowed for everything on unless I add
access-control-view: dnsbl
and the full code looks like this:
server: #All devices on this subnet run through pfBlockerNG DNSBL access-control-view: dnsbl access-control-view: dnsbl #Roku IP is bypassing access-control-view: bypass pfBlockerNG DNSBL view: name: "bypass" view-first: yes view: name: "dnsbl" view-first: yes include: /var/unbound/pfb_dnsbl.*conf
Apologies for the delay in responding, I never got any email notifications that I received responses to my original post. Weird.