PPPoE Clients cannot ping each other
Hello all,
I am trrying to setup PFsense as a PPPoE Server Gateway for PPPoE Clients. I have succeesfully done it but I have a problem that I need help.
PPPoE Clients cannot communicate each other. They can have internet connectivity but not with each other.
Is there a limitation on PfSense for that or am I missing something?
Thanks in advance
Kostas -
What are your firewall rules for the PPPoE tab exactly?
I have two pppoe clients (Mikrotik CHR)
connected to the same lan port on PfSense.
They get an ip address and .12 respectively.
I have added the rules on the firewall to permit traffic comming from the PPPoE Servers interface going to each other as per image.but still no luck.
If you could please help I would really appreciate it.
Kostas -
You have the gateway set on all of those, so the traffic will be forced out the WAN.
Add a new rule at the top to pass from/to the PPPoE client subnet but without a gateway set.
But there is no such option not having a gateway in the advanced options of the rules...
Click in the gateway field and set it back to "Default".
Yes i have already done it but the "default" means the default gateway you have selected in the routing options...getting the same results
"Default" means that it doesn't put a gateway on the rule, and it will instead follow the routing table. Bypassing policy routing for local traffic in that way is usually how you fix these kinds of issues.
PPPoE is kind of weird in that each client is actually on a separate interface in the same interface group. Assuming you made the right changes to your firewall rules on pfSense, your problem now is probably that the clients themselves are denying the inbound connections.
Ok my mistake understanding the "default" option. So if it follows the routing table then PfSense has two legs on that are both reachable correct?
You are correct my friend..finally
thanks thanks thanks.