FRR 0.6.7_6 - BGP ipv6 advertised routes
I am trying to share a route via BGP to peer.
I have the neighborship setup and it is established
IPv6 Unicast Summary: BGP router identifier, local AS number 65006 vrf-id 0 BGP table version 1 RIB entries 4, using 736 bytes of memory Peers 2, using 27 KiB of memory Neighbor V AS MsgRcvd MsgSent TblVer InQ OutQ Up/Down State/PfxRcd 2606:0000:1111:5::13 4 65001 104 102 0 0 0 01:40:10 1 OutFW.localdomain# show bgp ipv6 neighbors 2606:0000:1111:5::13 advertised-routes OutFW.localdomain#
Now you'd ask well are you setup to share any networks.
neighbor 2606:0000:1111:5::13 remote-as 65001 neighbor 2606:0000:1111:5::13 description 9k-v6 address-family ipv6 unicast network 2606:0000:a100::/56 route-map 2v6 network 2606:0000:a101::/56 route-map 2v6 neighbor 2606:0000:1111:5::13 activate no neighbor 2606:0000:1111:5::13 send-community neighbor 2606:0000:1111:5::13 prefix-list 2-ipv6 out ipv6 prefix-list 2-ipv6 description VRF DSL2 ipv6 ipv6 prefix-list 2-ipv6 seq 1 permit 2606:0000:a100::/56 ipv6 prefix-list 2-ipv6 seq 2 permit 2606:0000:a101::/56 route-map 2v6 permit 3 match ip address prefix-list 2-ipv6
So above is my neighborship, ipv6 unicast, prefix-list, and route map.
But then why is the bgp v6 not advertising the routes to my neighbor?
Please help.
Thank you.
! address-family ipv6 unicast network 2606:0000:a100::/56 network 2606:0000:a101::/56 neighbor 2606:0000:a120:5::12 activate neighbor 2606:0000:a120:5::13 activate no neighbor 2606:0000:a120:5::13 send-community exit-address-family !
So i changed the above to remove the route-map
And this allowed peering to come online.
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