HAProxy with Authenticated Backend
I'm trying to get HA Proxy to connect to a backend that requires authentication. I am receiving a Layer7 wrong status: Bad Request error message. I think I need to do something to structure the http request, but can't figure it out.
Any thoughts? thanx
You might be doing something wrong, but that's hard to tell if you don't tell/show what you did? What configuration options have you tried? Did that change anything in the result?Anyhow my current best guess:
Try changing the health-check method to 'GET' and add a 'version' specification with both a 'host' and a 'accept' header behind it like the example's on the page for that field. Does that change the L7 error to something else?If not try a curl request, if that works fine then try and find the difference between what curl sends and what haproxy sends..
Adding HTTP/1.0\r\nHost:\ hostname to http check brought the backend up. The whole chain then worked.I needed to add the hostname to the http check to get it to work.
Thanx for the help.