OpenVPN Client Cascade
That looks to be configured as I would expect. The routing from LAN is correct, all policy routed to the tunnel 1 gateway.
I agree though tunnel 1 should not be able to come up until tunnel 2 is up becasue it is running on that interface.
Maybe the interface assignments are wrong?
@stephenw10 said in OpenVPN Client Cascade:
Maybe the interface assignments are wrong?
No, the interfaces seem to be correct.
If you have Tunnel1 up after Tunnel2 is up, then I suspect that I am missing basic settings.
Can we see the assignments? I'm not sure how tunnel 1 can be UP when it doesn't have a local address because tunnel 2 is DOWN and that's what it's running on.
Hmm, check the OpenVPN logs. Check the state table. What is tunnel 1 actually running on if tunnel 2 is down?
I cannot interpret the logs. Here are the logs, if only Tunnel1 is up:
stephenw10 Netgate Administratorlast edited by stephenw10 Oct 25, 2020, 12:48 PM Oct 25, 2020, 12:47 PM
It looks like you have the OpenVPN logging options set waaay too high. All of that is just the config it's using not the actual connection process. Set it logging level back to the defaults ot just get the logs covering the connection process.
Though what I am seeing there is that the local side of the connection shows as not bound to an IP. That's probably what allows it to connect when T2 is down. Without a T2 address it probably omits the local statement from the config. You could check that in /var/etc/openvpn/client1.conf
I'm not sure you can force that in pfSense. What you could do would be to add floating outbound block rules on WAN for the T1 and T2 server IPs so only T3 can connect directly.
I still expect T2 and T3 to be trying to connect in that situation though and it appears they are not.
If you can copy/paste the actual logs into replies using he code tags it's much, much easier to search than pictures on the logs.
I have now set verbosity level "default" for all 3 servers.
Though what I am seeing there is that the local side of the connection shows as not bound to an IP. That's probably what allows it to connect when T2 is down.
Just for information.
All 3 servers use the same "CA" and "Cert" certificate. With "Server host or address" I can also use, then a server from Amsterdam1-5 is automatically selected.
Instead of, I can also specify the following:
I'm not sure if this is the reason for conflicts.I will try to add other servers. For example, Basel, London or Paris and see if there are still conflicts.
You could check that in /var/etc/openvpn/client1.conf
Here is client1.conf:
dev ovpnc1 verb 1 dev-type tun dev-node /dev/tun1 writepid /var/run/ #user nobody #group nobody script-security 3 daemon inactive 604800 ping 5 ping-restart 120 ping-timer-rem persist-tun persist-key proto udp4 cipher AES-128-GCM auth SHA512 up /usr/local/sbin/ovpn-linkup down /usr/local/sbin/ovpn-linkdown tls-client client nobind management /var/etc/openvpn/client1/sock unix remote 1149 udp4 auth-user-pass /var/etc/openvpn/client1/up auth-retry nointeract capath /var/etc/openvpn/client1/ca cert /var/etc/openvpn/client1/cert key /var/etc/openvpn/client1/key tls-auth /var/etc/openvpn/client1/tls-auth 1 ncp-disable comp-noadapt resolv-retry infinite route-nopull hand-window 120 mute-replay-warnings persist-remote-ip reneg-sec 3600 resolv-retry 60 tls-cipher TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-GCM-SHA384:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA256:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-CBC-SHA:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA:TLS-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-CBC-SHA:TLS-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA tls-timeout 5 tun-mtu 1500 fragment 1300 mssfix remote-cert-tls server
I'm not sure you can force that in pfSense. What you could do would be to add floating outbound block rules on WAN for the T1 and T2 server IPs so only T3 can connect directly.
Let's assume for now that pfSense cannot force this. How exactly do I create the rules?
If you can copy/paste the actual logs into replies using he code tags it's much, much easier to search than pictures on the logs.
I can't add logs because the VPN provider is reported as spam.
Like this:
🔒 Log in to view
And the same the T2 server IP. Only the T3 server IP should be seen as an outbound connection on WAN.Steve
What you could do would be to add floating outbound block rules on WAN for the T1 and T2 server IPs so only T3 can connect directly.
And the same the T2 server IP.
Okay. I understood that I should only create two rules.
Like these?
T3 can still connect, but the others are (pending).
Only the T3 server IP should be seen as an outbound connection on WAN.
I don't know how this is meant.
stephenw10 Netgate Administratorlast edited by stephenw10 Oct 25, 2020, 8:04 PM Oct 25, 2020, 8:04 PM
I mean if you look at the states for port 1149 (:1149) on WAN you should only see the T3 client.
Check the logs to see what the T2 client is doing. It should be trying to connect on the T3 client interface. If it isn't what is it doing? Did it error out trying to connect before T3 had connected and stop?
Sorry for the stupid questions, but are floating rules for t1 and t2 correct?
Only the T3 server IP should be seen as an outbound connection on WAN.
Does this refer to floating t2 rule or to a new one with t3?
I mean if you look at the states for port 1149 (:1149) on WAN you should only see the T3 client.
Here is the output:
Check the logs to see what the T2 client is doing. It should be trying to connect on the T3 client interface.
At Diagnostics-> States?
The same is also for T3.
Does that mean that all 3 tunnels run parallel and not tunnel through tunnel?
Different city clients seem to work better than a group of clients from one city.
I currently have the following servers:
When I restart pfSense, I get completely different results than when I start the servers manually.
- the 2 floating rules work
- T1 and T2 shows only ICMP protocol.
- The traffic goes through T3, but there is no internet connection
When I manually restart the clients, the servers do not start again.
Maybe I have to set the routes manually in the OpenVPN client under "Remote Network(s)"?
Like for example here?
But which settings would I then have to set for T3?
Did you set the direction as OUT on those floating rules?
Did you reset the state table or reboot since you added them?
You have at least one state on WAN that should have been rejected by that outbound floating rule.
You should not see any states on WAN foe OpenVPN tunnels except tunnel 3.
The fact they are up means they are not running tunnel-in-tunnel as you say.
Did you set the direction as OUT on those floating rules?
Did you reset the state table or reboot since you added them?
I always enabled "Reset the firewall state table" under Diagnostics/States/Reset States and pressed [Reset]. In any case I assumed that it would work. Only with a reboot the floating rules and the start of the tunnel sequence worked simultaneously.
You should not see any states on WAN foe OpenVPN tunnels except tunnel 3.
Without remote network(s) entries in the OpenVPN client I see all 3 servers under States/WAN.So they are not running tunnel in tunnel.But I have to test again if with remote network(s) only the third server is visible.
OK. Whether with or without remote network(s) makes no difference.
The rules in the image currently do the following after a reboot:
- Under States/WAN I only see T3.
Under States/T2 I see nothing.
Under States/T3 I see T1 and T2. I do not know if this is correct.
- There is no internet connection with floating rules.
Do I understand correctly that the rules must look like this?
- Under States/WAN I should see T3.
- Under States/T1 I should see T2.
- Under States/T2 I should see T3.
- Under States/T3 I should see WAN.
Would that be correct?
No. You should see~:
States on WAN - T3
States on T3 - T2
States on T2 - T1So you need a floating outbound reject rule on T3 to reject the T1 destination. It should only be able to create states on T2.
@stephenw10 said in OpenVPN Client Cascade:
So you need a floating outbound reject rule on T3 to reject the T1 destination
Unfortunately I do not know how to configure this.
Also I don't know which rule should be at the top and which at the bottom. -
The ordering is not important since this will be the only floating rule applied to the T3 interface.
Thinking about it you could just edit your existing floating rule for the T1 server destination and make it apply to WAN an T3 so can only ever open on T2.