FRR portion of webgui from services, times out and breaks webgui
Once I get a BGP peer up with Service provider (receiving default route for now). The BGP peers with almost all default settings, and we advertise a network back to ISP, which is received.
I have agentx enabled at both the FRR daemon and the BGP daemon.
I had BFD enabled, but not configured. I disable that to see if that was a factor.
We dont have OSPF setup/enable atm.
When I click on the FRR BGP or OSPF or BFD initially after gui restart, I can get right there.If I click on "status" of Zebra/FRR or Drill down on "Services>>FRR/Global Zebra", all the protocol status fields say "Gather data, please wait" but never gets past that. Then eventually gives...
"504 Gateway Time-out" NGINX on the web GUI. Gui doesnt recover until I use opt 11, and opt 16 from the BSD console...BGP Peering doesn't break (at least after 5 mins or so of this condition) but since its not routing much behind it, its tough to tell if the dataplane forwards.
VPN stays up if your are connected through it before the GUI crash, but definately doesnt work if you are not connected before and try to establish openvpn after GUI crash.Has anyone run into this issue?
After Gui blew up, I restarted 11/16, I disabled xagent on both the Global and BGP level.
IT reset BGP which should be a bug....
But after removing xagent BGP peered, I checked the BGP status and all worked well, same with the Global(all) status.
So somehow I have something configured wrong or xagent enabled break Gui.
Any takers?