HASync configuration sync without SSL
For some time I've been having trouble syncing configuration to HA peers over a non-ssl management connection.
The system logs the following error:
/rc.filter_synchronize: XML_RPC_Client: Connection to RPC server a.b.c.d:80 failed. Unable to find the socket transport "http" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP? 103
To work around the problem, I've modified /etc/inc/xmlrpc_client.inc ~line 748 from:
} elseif ($match[1] == 'http://') { $this->server = $match[2]; if ($port) { $this->port = $port; }
} elseif ($match[1] == 'http://') { $this->server = $match[2]; $this->protocol = 'tcp://'; if ($port) { $this->port = $port; }
Is this broken for others as well?
I pushed a fix. Thanks!
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