pfsense XG-1541 (LAGG-LACP) and an uplink to Cisco 3850 (LACP)?
Hi Guys,
Anyone have experienced with pfsense XG-1541 (LAGG-LACP) and an uplink to Cisco 3850 (LACP)?
based from my testing on a simulator, only pfsense lagg-loadbalancer/failover works and cisco switch etherchannel only works. when I tried both on LACP the connection is not successful.
I'd like to assume that this is a limitation of a VM of pfsense and the cisco switch image, also another issue I get using lagg-loadbalance(pfsense) to etherchannel-on(cisco) is whenever I remove a port from the bond group to simulate a port issue, the uplink does not work.
my setup was a LAGG-loadbalance with Trunk-VLAN11 and 12 uplink through a Cisco Etherchannel-On with Trunk-VLAN11 and 12 allowed as well. as mentioned it works but I know LACP is more ideal when dealing with etherchannel/port-channel technologies.
but moving forward we'll look into getting a netgate HA XG-1541 and a stack cisco 3850(and the below will look in a network design) but just need a confirmation from anyone who have the same hardware that it works before actually trying to purchase.