Sg-2100 vlan setup no internet
I’ve followed the sg2100 documentation to the letter for setting up a vlan (after resetting to factory default) then I enabled the dhcp server and created firewall rules to allow lan to any on the correct interface. I checked the nat and the auto rules included the up address of the vlan but I created a new nat and saved as hybrid anyways and still no internet access on vlan. I am not an expert but I am not completely new to this either and I’ve been reading all over this forum for a couple weeks and have tried so many of the solutions I’ve seen suggested to others and nothing has worked I can only get internet access on the default lan. What am I missing? I am not double natted my setup is isp to cm1000 modem to netgate sg-2100 then using my pc and connecting to different ports to test eventually I want to connect my Cisco sg350 switch on one vlan and my WiFi ap on another vlan and a server on a 3rd vlan and leave one port on the default lan for connecting to the pfsense GUI. I can’t even get the first step of getting the vlans to connect to the internet so I reset everything to default and just tried to create a single vlan following every step of the documentation and connecting my pc and still no internet. Any help as to what I could possibly be missing would be amazing. Thanks
Can you post your firewall rules for the VLAN interface, that allow traffic to the Internet? Have you tried pinging an IP (e.g. vs. a web site (to rule out DNS)?
@teamits i just tried pinging and got ping transmit failed general failure. I copied the firewall rule from the existing lan and only changed the interface to be opt1 instead of lan.
more screenshots
In the firewall rule you have "source" as "LAN net" not "OPT"
@teamits good catch I must have missed that on my attempt this morning but still the same issue when that is set to opt 1 net and I know ive set that properly in previous attempts with the same issue. with that set to opt 1 net i still get the general ping failure to
Can you ping from a device on OPT1?
Is the tag right in Interfaces/Switches? (steps 15-26 here
You can try pinging from the pfSense under the Diagnostics menu, as well.
@teamits and that was it. its working now I had turned off tagging on 5 earlier on opt 1 because i saw that the default lan didnt have 5 tagged. Probably everytime i did the setup there would always be one step i messed up because on other attempts i had it tagged properly. anyways its working now thank you!