Local Authentication Privileges
I was finally successful in configuring the captive portal using local database authentication. The authentication failed until I cleared the Local Authentication Privileges option.
After rereading the option, 'Allow only users/groups with "Captive portal login" privilege set', it made me wonder where this option is set. I checked in User Manager and did not find it. I also searched the online pfSense documentation and could not find it. Is this a valid option; and if so, where is it configured?
@zzatihz1 this option is still valid
Go to the user manager-> click edit on any user->edit the field called "group membership"
@free4 Thanks for the response. The reason I ask is that even having the members in the right group, no one could authenticate until I disabled "Local Privileges Option". Maybe it's not a big deal since it is working.
Maybe "Local Privileges" refers to local pfSense box login?