'wg' binary segmentation fault
I am running PFSense 2.5.0-RELEASE. FreeBSD pfsense.host 12.2-STABLE FreeBSD 12.2-STABLE d48fb226319(devel-12) pfSense amd64
I have found a new issue that when I run "wg" or "wg show" via SSH, the binary segfaults when it attempts to display wg2's information.
I'm not certain how to report this further. I ended up running "wg show" on the machine because I had an issue with some hosts not connecting to Wireguard and I ended up rebooting the machine, thinking that the segfault would disappear after a reboot. This is after my reboot.
Last time I saw that happen it was due to an invalid configuration where two peers on the same tunnel had Allowed IPs set to
.We're adding input validation to prevent that invalid configuration: