RIP support?
I updated to 2.5.0 without realising that I was gonna lost all RIPv2 support.
I installed FRR but I don't see RIP support, although the FreeBSD port referenced by package manager seems to have it:
Please, could you point me in the right direction to have RIP working again in 2.5.0?
Many thanks!
There is a feature request for FRR RIP support: -
Just my curiosity cat meowing at me - but who would still be using rip? be it v2 or even ng?
@viktor_g k, thanks. I will follow that request.
@johnpoz in my case has to do with a residential connection (which some small business use too). A local operator (Telefónica) provides Internet, IPTV and VoIP in different VLANs. For the Internet connection of course you just need the gateway to the world. But to use the IPTV and VoIP you need resources that are within the operator network. So to connect to the services, the customer router receives the relevant routes via RIP. Technically hundreds of thousands of clients are using RIP, but I guess not so many using PFsense as their router (although it was popular in the "throw away your ISP hw" communities).
Since the amount of received routes is not really big (10) my workaround has been to set them up as static ones and hope/suppose they don't change. Anyway, IMHO, dropping RIP support has been a bit of a bold move.
Good morning,
I'd like to add myself to this request. I have the same problem as @chuskywalker (lost routing to my VoIP service).
Thanks a lot.
Alex G.