Can't configure HAProxy (or pfsense)
It's my fault for sure but I don't know what can be wrong.
I have a port forwarding on a vpn tunnel (yes, my provider let port forwarding).
I setup a and I created a Let'sEncrypt certificate with ACME plugin.
Then I installed HAProxy and I followed this tutorial:-
I make a virtual IP
I make a NAT rule from VPN_address to my virtual IP with the correct port
I created the backends (simply http calls)
I created a frontend linked to the virtual IP and to the two backends with two ACL based on Host starts with
this frontend offloads the ssl call
When I make the external call I can see the states on the firewall and on states diagnostic page.
Then nothing happens.
Chrome on Android responds, after a while, with ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT.
But there are no errors in general, firewall or haproxy logs.I don't know what to do
@valepe69 Fixed.
Having a Multi-WAN configuration all was screwed up by the bug of the 2.5.1 release.
Reloaded the 2.5.0 and the same configuration works great.