Web UI can not start correctly on a clone pfsense-2.3 VM
I install a pfsense 2.3 vm(pfsense-gw2) on one proxmox srv, this pfsense's web UI works flawless. and then, I would like to create a pair of cluster, so I create a clone and put it(pfsense-gw1) on another proxmox srv. but the pfsense-gw1's web UI could not start correctly, any idea to troubleshooting?
I have been restart webConfigurator, and /etc/rc.restart_webgui, but nothing happen.
netstat -an | grep 433 show nothing toowhere can I locate the web UI's log
I have been restart webConfigurator, and /etc/rc.restart_webgui, but nothing happen.
netstat -an | grep 433 show nothing tooWhy 443 ?
You have a box that works, so, go to the settings page where you can set up the logged info and chose what you want.
=> Status => System => Logs => Settings
On the other box, the GUI log info will be shown in the GUI ( ;) ) - but, of course, if the GUI isn't working ….. -
Are both proxmox servers on same cluster?
If so, check that you are not using same vmbr and same ip´s for fw's interfaces.