Unable to reassign vlan or port interfaces
Good evening,
I’m running 21.05 on a 5100 and find myself unable to reassign the interfaces that vlans are assigned to or change the interfaces assigned to the various ports on my router. As an example, I want to move VLAN 20 from ix0 to ix1. I go to the vlan section in the interface menu and try to make this change. Upon hitting save, the GUI still indicates that vlan 20 is assigned to ix0. If I go to the interface assignment tab, in my drop down I can actually see a ix1.20 option but when I choose it and hit save, the page indicates that the vlan interface is still ix0.20. At that point devices on vlan 20 don’t seem to be able to reach the internet and a reboot of the router seems to sort it back out. I’ve tried this with multiple vlans, as well as non-vlan interfaces (such as my Lan) and get the same result. I am simply unable to reassign vlans or port interfaces. I haven’t tried to manually edit my config file but this shouldn’t be required anyway. It always worked before. Anyone else encountered this issue and figured out what is going on?
@gabacho4 anyone (users or Netgate team members)? I got a response on Reddit indicating that this is a problem on 2.5.2 as well and that the only way to change things is via the console/ssh. Sure enough, it works if I do interface assignments there. However, even after going that route, I have weird vlan 4, 6, and 8 that show up on the GUI now on the available interfaces drop down. They have no MAC addresses or interfaces associated with them. I’ve never used vlans 4,6, or 8 so no idea where those came from. When I exported my config and searched for them, they are nowhere to be found. Not sure what more to do to troubleshoot. I’m happy to file a bug report but was hoping for someone else to validate my findings.
Here’s a link to the Reddit thread: