Users Cannot browse internet after authenticating to the captive portal
Hello Everyone,
I kindly request for your help to resolve an issue am facing.i have a cisco 4221 router connected to pfsense. The cisco router forward dhcp request to the pfsense for dhcp ip addresses. i have setup captive portal on the pfsense.
Users are not able to browse the internet after authenticating to the captive portal.
But when i disable the captive portal the they are able to browse the internet without any issue.. -
The captive portal uses IPv4 and MAC to work.
Putting a router between the captive portal (interface) and the 'end' clients breaks the portal function.For normal Ethernet/Internet operations, you can put routers after routers nearly indefinitely. That's what the Internet is all about.
Go to here Troubleshooting Captive Portal and read it, try out yourself the 'ipfw' command, try to understand what all these "ipfw" rules and tables do.
As soon as you get it - you answered yourself ^^ -
When i used the command "ipfw table all list " this is the
outcome--- table(cp_ifaces), set(0) ---
re2 2100 396410 62115670 1625783775
--- table(lan1_zone_auth_up), set(0) --- 78:2b:cb:a5:54:eb 0 149 12569 1625783316
--- table(lan1_zone_host_ips), set(0) --- 0 104439 8255155 1625783775
--- table(lan1_zone_pipe_mac), set(0) ---
--- table(lan1_zone_auth_down), set(0) --- 0 39629 8908544 1625783773
--- table(lan1_zone_allowed_up), set(0) ---
--- table(lan1_zone_allowed_down), set(0) ---please any help.....
Remove the cisco 4221 router. Just use switches.
See that the the portal works. See that it uses IPv4 and MAC addresses to function.Just for my own curiosity : Really, a router on a captive portal network ? Where did you get that idea from ? Not the pfSense manual.