Python Regex List
I use "pfBlockerNG-devel" ver 3.0.0_10 in PfSense 2.4.5-p1 and have active "Unbound python mode".
I tried to use "Python Regex List" to block sites content word "yahoo" in domain. ( or, etc )
Is it necessary to apply a "Python Regex List" on a particular DNSBL?. How is it done this? or what other option is necessary to apply correctly "Python Regex list"?Thanks for your help.
Use it like this :
Remove the leading / and trailing /.
Now you'll find DNSBL log entries like :
and this one was the result of a (DNSBL) regex match.
Btw : be careful, this way of filtering is very powerful ;)
@gertjan Thank You.
Works great!!