Log Pages Denied by SquidGuard? (SOLVED)
I was wondering if someone had already tested the option on squid to get the deny logs from squidguard?Just not sure where to add the
$sge_prefix = (preg_match("/\?/", $cl['u']) ? "&" : "?"); $str[] = '< iframe > src="'. $cl['u'] . $sge_prefix . 'sgr=ACCESSDENIED" width="1" height="1" > < /iframe >';
then it says
Hint: You MUST remove extra spaces in the above iframe HTML tags.
spaces as in```
<iframe>src="'. $cl['u'] . $sge_prefix . 'sgr=ACCESSDENIED" width="1" height="1" ></iframe> ';not sure where to add it on the sgerror.php This is what i got what i got on my sgerror.php
include "globals.inc";
include "config.inc";
$page_info = <<<eod<br># ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SquidGuard error page generator
(C)2006-2007 Serg Dvoriancev
This programm processed redirection to specified URL or generated error page for standart HTTP error code.
Redirection supported http and https protocols.
# sgerror.php?url=[http://myurl]or[https://myurl]or[error_code[space_code]output-message][incoming SquidGuard variables]
Incoming SquidGuard variables:
# a=client_address
# n=client_name
# i=client_user
# s=client_group
# t=target_group
# u=client_urlExample:
# sgerror.php?url=http://myurl.com&a=..&n=..&i=..&s=..&t=..&u=..
# sgerror.php?url=https://myurl.com&a=..&n=..&i=..&s=..&t=..&u=..
# sgerror.php?url=404%20output-message&a=..&n=..&i=..&s=..&t=..&u=..----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# myurl and output messages can include Tags
# [a] - client address
# [n] - client name
# [i] - client user
# [s] - client group
# [t] - target group
# [u] - client urlExample:
# sgerror.php?url=401 Unauthorized access to URL [u] for client [n]
# sgerror.php?url=http://my_error_page.php?cladr=%5Ba%5D&clname=%5Bn%5D // %5b=[ %d=]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Special Tags:
# blank - get blank page
# blank_img - get one-pixel transparent image (for replace banners and etc.)Example:
# sgerror.php?url=blank
# sgerror.php?url=blank_img----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
define('ACTION_URL', 'url');
define('ACTION_RES', 'res');
define('ACTION_MSG', 'msg');define('TAG_BLANK', 'blank');
define('TAG_BLANK_IMG', 'blank_img');----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Use this options for replace baners/ads to transparent picture. Thisbetter for viewing.
HEX: 47 49 46 38 39 61 - - -
SYM: G I F 8 9 a 01 00 | 01 00 80 00 00 FF FF FF | 00 00 00 2C 00 00 00 00 | 01 00 01 00 00 02 02 44 | 01 00 3B
define(GIF_BODY, "GIF89a\x01\x00\x01\x00\x80\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x2C\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x02\x02\x44\x01\x00\x3B");
$url = '';
$msg = '';
$cl = Array(); // squidGuard variables: %a %n %i %s %t %u
$err_code = array();$err_code[301] = "301 Moved Permanently";
$err_code[302] = "302 Found";
$err_code[303] = "303 See Other";
$err_code[305] = "305 Use Proxy";$err_code[400] = "400 Bad Request";
$err_code[401] = "401 Unauthorized";
$err_code[402] = "402 Payment Required";
$err_code[403] = "403 Forbidden";
$err_code[404] = "404 Not Found";
$err_code[405] = "405 Method Not Allowed";
$err_code[406] = "406 Not Acceptable";
$err_code[407] = "407 Proxy Authentication Required";
$err_code[408] = "408 Request Time-out";
$err_code[409] = "409 Conflict";
$err_code[410] = "410 Gone";
$err_code[411] = "411 Length Required";
$err_code[412] = "412 Precondition Failed";
$err_code[413] = "413 Request Entity Too Large";
$err_code[414] = "414 Request-URI Too Large";
$err_code[415] = "415 Unsupported Media Type";
$err_code[416] = "416 Requested range not satisfiable";
$err_code[417] = "417 Expectation Failed";$err_code[500] = "500 Internal Server Error";
$err_code[501] = "501 Not Implemented";
$err_code[502] = "502 Bad Gateway";
$err_code[503] = "503 Service Unavailable";
$err_code[504] = "504 Gateway Time-out";
$err_code[505] = "505 HTTP Version not supported";----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
check arg's
if (count($_POST)) {
$url = trim($_POST['url']);
$msg = $_POST['msg'];
$cl['a'] = $_POST['a'];
$cl['n'] = $_POST['n'];
$cl['i'] = $_POST['i'];
$cl['s'] = $_POST['s'];
$cl['t'] = $_POST['t'];
$cl['u'] = $_POST['u'];
elseif (count($_GET)) {
$url = trim($_GET['url']);
$msg = $_GET['msg'];
$cl['a'] = $_GET['a'];
$cl['n'] = $_GET['n'];
$cl['i'] = $_GET['i'];
$cl['s'] = $_GET['s'];
$cl['t'] = $_GET['t'];
$cl['u'] = $_GET['u'];
else {
# Show 'About page'
echo get_page(get_about());
if ($url) {
$err_id = 0;// check error code
foreach ($err_code as $key => $val) {
if (strpos(strtolower($url), strval($key)) === 0) {
$err_id = $key;
}# blank page
if ($url === TAG_BLANK) {
echo get_page('');
# blank image
elseif ($url === TAG_BLANK_IMG) {
$msg = trim($msg);
if(strpos($msg, "maxlen_") !== false) {
$maxlen = intval(trim(str_replace("maxlen_", "", $url)));
filter_by_image_size($cl['u'], $maxlen);
else {
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# return blank image
# --------------------------------------------------------------
header("Content-Type: image/gif;"); // charset=windows-1251");
echo GIF_BODY;
# error code
elseif ($err_id !== 0) {
$er_msg = strstr($_GET['url'], ' ');
echo get_error_page($err_id, $er_msg);
# redirect url
elseif ((strpos(strtolower($url), "http://") === 0) or (strpos(strtolower($url), "https://") === 0)) {
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# redirect to specified url
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
header("Location: $url", '', 302);
// error arguments
else {
echo get_page("sgerror: error arguments $url");
else {
echo get_page($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); //$url . implode(" ", $_GET));
# echo get_error_page(500);
function get_page($body) {
$str = Array();
$str[] = '';
$str[] = "\n$body\n";
$str[] = '';
return implode("\n", $str);
IE displayed self-page, if them size > 1024
function get_error_page($er_code_id, $err_msg='') {
global $err_code;
global $cl;
$str = Array();header("HTTP/1.1 " . $err_code[$er_code_id]);
$str[] = '';
$str[] = '';
$str[] = '';
$str[] = '';
$str[] = '';
$str[] = '';
$str[] = '[![](http://'. $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] .'/pfsenselogo.png "A PROVEN OPEN SOURCE FIREWALL")](http://www.pfsense.org/) | Web Filtering by
PfSense, Squid and SquidGuard |
$str[] = '';
$str[] = '';
$str[] = ''. $err_msg . ' = '. $err_code[$er_code_id] .' ';
$str[] = '';
if ($cl['u'])
if ($cl['u']) $str[] = "Requested URL: {$cl['u']}
if ($cl['a']) $str[] = "Client address: {$cl['a']}
if ($cl['n']) $str[] = "Client name: {$cl['n']}
if ($cl['i']) $str[] = "Client user: {$cl['i']}
if ($cl['s']) $str[] = "Group ACL: {$cl['s']}
if ($cl['t']) $str[] = "Target Rule: {$cl['t']} ";
$str[] = '
$str[] = 'Internet Usage Policy:
The requested URL has been blocked by the URL Filter database. The requested site is in a category that is not allowed by your administrator.
You need to contact your system administrator if the URL is to be enabled.';
$str[] = 'Steps to get help:
Please send the full URL and a screenshot to your administrator. The request will be processed as quickly as we can. Thank you for your help and for your patience.';
$str[] = 'Generated on, ';
$str[] = "";
$str[] = "";
return implode("\n", $str);
}function get_about() {
global $err_code;
global $page_info;
$str = Array();// about info
$s = str_replace("\n", "
", $page_info);
$str[] = $s;
$str[] = "
";$str[] = '';
$str[] = ' HTTP error codes (ERROR_CODE):';
foreach($err_code as $val) {
$str []= "| $val";
$str[] = ' |**';
return implode("\n", $str);
}function filter_by_image_size($url, $val_size) {
# load url header
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$hd = curl_exec($ch);
curl_close($ch);$size = 0;
$SKEY = "content-length:";
$s_tmp = strtolower($hd);
$s_tmp = str_replace("\n", " ", $s_tmp); # replace all "\n"
if (strpos($s_tmp, $SKEY) !== false) {
$s_tmp = trim(substr($s_tmp, strpos($s_tmp, $SKEY) + strlen($SKEY)));
$s_tmp = trim(substr($s_tmp, 0, strpos($s_tmp, " ")));
if (is_numeric($s_tmp))
$size = intval($s_tmp);
else $size = 0;
}# === check url type and content size ===
# redirect to specified url
if (($size !== 0) && ($size < $val_size)) {
header("Location: $url", '', 302);
# return blank image
else {
header("Content-Type: image/gif;");
echo GIF_BODY;
?>Thank you
EDIT: solved
You need to add exactly like this
[code] $sge_prefix=(preg_match("/?/",$cl['u'])?"&":"?");
$str[] = '<iframe src="'.$cl['u'].$sge_prefix.'sgr=ACCESSDENIED" width="1" height="1"></iframe>';[/code]and match it like this find the line [code]$str[] = [/code]
$str[] = '<iframe src="'.$cl['u'].$sge_prefix.'sgr=ACCESSDENIED" width="1" height="1"></iframe>';
$str[] = '';[/code]Then go to squid ACL and put this on the blacklist
Then put pfSense as http for it to work and reboot it and your good to go Remeber will only log to sarg reports the http sites that show the block sign NOT the HTTPS because it will still block it but shows error page IF your running WPAD[/u][/u][/s][/i]**</eod<br>
EDIT: solved
You need to add exactly like this
$sge_prefix=(preg_match("/\?/",$cl['u'])?"&":"?"); $str[] = '<iframe src="'.$cl['u'].$sge_prefix.'sgr=ACCESSDENIED" width="1" height="1"></iframe>';
and match it like this find the line```
$str[] =$sge_prefix=(preg_match("/?/",$cl['u'])?"&":"?");
$str[] = '<iframe src="'.$cl['u'].$sge_prefix.'sgr=ACCESSDENIED" width="1" height="1"></iframe>';
$str[] = '';I'm confused. Where exactly in the file is this supposed to go? "and match it like this find the line" doesn't makes sense. Can you post your resulting sgerror.php file? that might be helpful
go to your sgerror.php
edit it and find the line
$str[] = '';
Then after you find the line your going to add this ABOVE THIS LINE like this
$sge_prefix=(preg_match("/\?/",$cl['u'])?"&":"?"); $str[] = '<iframe src="'.$cl['u'].$sge_prefix.'sgr=ACCESSDENIED" width="1" height="1"></iframe>';
Save it then go back to squid and go to the ACL tab look for blacklist and add this
Hope this helps and dont forget to hit Thank you
PfSense 2.3.2 sgerror.php doesn't have the line: $str[] = '';
So where would I place this:
$str[] = '<iframe src="'.$cl['u'].$sge_prefix.'sgr=ACCESSDENIED" width="1" height="1"></iframe>';in sgerror.php?
can you attach the sgerror.php
This is from /usr/local/www/sgerror.php in Pfsense 2.3.2p1.
include "globals.inc"; include "config.inc"; $page_info = <<<eod<br># ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SquidGuard error page generator # (C)2006-2007 Serg Dvoriancev # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This programm processed redirection to specified URL or generated error page for standart HTTP error code. # Redirection supported http and https protocols. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Format: # sgerror.php?url=[http://myurl]or[https://myurl]or[error_code[space_code]output-message][incoming SquidGuard variables] # Incoming SquidGuard variables: # a=client_address # n=client_name # i=client_user # s=client_group # t=target_group # u=client_url # Example: # sgerror.php?url=http://myurl.com&a=..&n=..&i=..&s=..&t=..&u=.. # sgerror.php?url=https://myurl.com&a=..&n=..&i=..&s=..&t=..&u=.. # sgerror.php?url=404%20output-message&a=..&n=..&i=..&s=..&t=..&u=.. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tags: # myurl and output messages can include Tags # [a] - client address # [n] - client name # [i] - client user # [s] - client group # [t] - target group # [u] - client url # Example: # sgerror.php?url=401 Unauthorized access to URL [u] for client [n] # sgerror.php?url=http://my_error_page.php?cladr=%5Ba%5D&clname=%5Bn%5D // %5b=[ %d=] # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Special Tags: # blank - get blank page # blank_img - get one-pixel transparent image (for replace banners and etc.) # Example: # sgerror.php?url=blank # sgerror.php?url=blank_img # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EOD; define('ACTION_URL', 'url'); define('ACTION_RES', 'res'); define('ACTION_MSG', 'msg'); define('TAG_BLANK', 'blank'); define('TAG_BLANK_IMG', 'blank_img'); # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ?url=EMPTY_IMG # Use this options for replace baners/ads to transparent picture. Thisbetter for viewing. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # NULL GIF file # HEX: 47 49 46 38 39 61 - - - # SYM: G I F 8 9 a 01 00 | 01 00 80 00 00 FF FF FF | 00 00 00 2C 00 00 00 00 | 01 00 01 00 00 02 02 44 | 01 00 3B # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- define(GIF_BODY, "GIF89a\x01\x00\x01\x00\x80\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x2C\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x02\x02\x44\x01\x00\x3B"); $url = ''; $msg = ''; $cl = Array(); // squidGuard variables: %a %n %i %s %t %u $err_code = array(); $err_code[301] = "301 Moved Permanently"; $err_code[302] = "302 Found"; $err_code[303] = "303 See Other"; $err_code[305] = "305 Use Proxy"; $err_code[400] = "400 Bad Request"; $err_code[401] = "401 Unauthorized"; $err_code[402] = "402 Payment Required"; $err_code[403] = "403 Forbidden"; $err_code[404] = "404 Not Found"; $err_code[405] = "405 Method Not Allowed"; $err_code[406] = "406 Not Acceptable"; $err_code[407] = "407 Proxy Authentication Required"; $err_code[408] = "408 Request Time-out"; $err_code[409] = "409 Conflict"; $err_code[410] = "410 Gone"; $err_code[411] = "411 Length Required"; $err_code[412] = "412 Precondition Failed"; $err_code[413] = "413 Request Entity Too Large"; $err_code[414] = "414 Request-URI Too Large"; $err_code[415] = "415 Unsupported Media Type"; $err_code[416] = "416 Requested range not satisfiable"; $err_code[417] = "417 Expectation Failed"; $err_code[500] = "500 Internal Server Error"; $err_code[501] = "501 Not Implemented"; $err_code[502] = "502 Bad Gateway"; $err_code[503] = "503 Service Unavailable"; $err_code[504] = "504 Gateway Time-out"; $err_code[505] = "505 HTTP Version not supported"; # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # check arg's # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (count($_POST)) { $url = trim($_POST['url']); $msg = $_POST['msg']; $cl['a'] = $_POST['a']; $cl['n'] = $_POST['n']; $cl['i'] = $_POST['i']; $cl['s'] = $_POST['s']; $cl['t'] = $_POST['t']; $cl['u'] = $_POST['u']; } elseif (count($_GET)) { $url = trim($_GET['url']); $msg = $_GET['msg']; $cl['a'] = $_GET['a']; $cl['n'] = $_GET['n']; $cl['i'] = $_GET['i']; $cl['s'] = $_GET['s']; $cl['t'] = $_GET['t']; $cl['u'] = $_GET['u']; } else { # Show 'About page' echo get_page(get_about()); exit(); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # url's # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($url) { $err_id = 0; // check error code foreach ($err_code as $key => $val) { if (strpos(strtolower($url), strval($key)) === 0) { $err_id = $key; break; } } # blank page if ($url === TAG_BLANK) { echo get_page(''); } # blank image elseif ($url === TAG_BLANK_IMG) { $msg = trim($msg); if(strpos($msg, "maxlen_") !== false) { $maxlen = intval(trim(str_replace("maxlen_", "", $url))); filter_by_image_size($cl['u'], $maxlen); exit(); } else { # -------------------------------------------------------------- # return blank image # -------------------------------------------------------------- header("Content-Type: image/gif;"); // charset=windows-1251"); echo GIF_BODY; } } # error code elseif ($err_id !== 0) { $er_msg = strstr($_GET['url'], ' '); echo get_error_page($err_id, $er_msg); } # redirect url elseif ((strpos(strtolower($url), "http://") === 0) or (strpos(strtolower($url), "https://") === 0)) { # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # redirect to specified url # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ header("HTTP/1.0"); header("Location: $url", '', 302); } // error arguments else { echo get_page("sgerror: error arguments $url"); } } else { echo get_page($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); //$url . implode(" ", $_GET)); # echo get_error_page(500); } # ~~~~~~~~~~ # Exit # ~~~~~~~~~~ exit(); # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # functions # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_page($body) { $str = Array(); $str[] = ''; $str[] = "\n$body\n"; $str[] = ''; return implode("\n", $str); } # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # IE displayed self-page, if them size > 1024 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ function get_error_page($er_code_id, $err_msg='') { global $err_code; global $cl; global $g; global $config; $str = Array(); header("HTTP/1.1 " . $err_code[$er_code_id]); $str[] = ''; $str[] = ''; if ($config['installedpackages']['squidguarddefault']['config'][0]['deniedmessage']) { $str[] = " ### {$config['installedpackages']['squidguarddefault']['config'][0]['deniedmessage']}: {$err_code[$er_code_id]} "; } else { $str[] = " ### Request denied by {$g['product_name']} proxy: {$err_code[$er_code_id]} "; } if ($err_msg) $str[] = " **Reason:** $err_msg"; $str[] = ' * * * '; if ($cl['a']) $str[] = " **Client address:** {$cl['a']} "; if ($cl['n']) $str[] = " **Client name:** {$cl['n']} "; if ($cl['i']) $str[] = " **Client user:** {$cl['i']} "; if ($cl['s']) $str[] = " **Client group:** {$cl['s']} "; if ($cl['t']) $str[] = " **Target group:** {$cl['t']} "; if ($cl['u']) $str[] = " **URL:** {$cl['u']} "; $str[] = ' * * * '; $str[] = ""; $str[] = ""; return implode("\n", $str); } function get_about() { global $err_code; global $page_info; $str = Array(); // about info $s = str_replace("\n", " ", $page_info); $str[] = $s; $str[] = " "; $str[] = ''; $str[] = ' **HTTP error codes (ERROR_CODE):'; foreach($err_code as $val) { $str []= "** | $val"; } $str[] = ' | **'; return implode("\n", $str); } function filter_by_image_size($url, $val_size) { # load url header $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $hd = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $size = 0; $SKEY = "content-length:"; $s_tmp = strtolower($hd); $s_tmp = str_replace("\n", " ", $s_tmp); # replace all "\n" if (strpos($s_tmp, $SKEY) !== false) { $s_tmp = trim(substr($s_tmp, strpos($s_tmp, $SKEY) + strlen($SKEY))); $s_tmp = trim(substr($s_tmp, 0, strpos($s_tmp, " "))); if (is_numeric($s_tmp)) $size = intval($s_tmp); else $size = 0; } # === check url type and content size === # redirect to specified url if (($size !== 0) && ($size < $val_size)) { header("HTTP/1.0"); header("Location: $url", '', 302); } # return blank image else { header("Content-Type: image/gif;"); echo GIF_BODY; } } ?>[/u][/u][/s][/i]**</eod<br>
o wow they changed alot try adding it below
$str[] = ''; $str[] = '';
@killmasta93 em qual lugar exatamente dentro do arquivo? Tem várias tags dessa mesa.