Firewall Traffic Shaper
Just a Idea
Traffic Shapers can we change this to being a Wan In/out - Lan In/Out? I get that Lan is going to have most of the up Traffic Wan is Down Traffic, None the less it just backwards and bugs the hell out of me. I would much rather prefer my lan not be set at 5Mb, I do large file transfers over the lan network Daily. I know I am suppose to set this all up by adding limiters and rules But this is split, Wan is your down, Lan is your up. All I ask is split it Lan has in/out Wan Has in/out. am I the only one who thinks this? Now I am not a network major, I just love to learn how to play with networks also enjoyed the security it affords. I can say from other software's on par with pfSense its night and day with traffic shaping. Am I gravely missing some thing? or a understand of how it is suppose to work? I've been using pfSenes for 3 years now and I can never seem to get traffic shaping to work right. I have watch setup video's and read the doc's that are out there. :'(
dyslexia is a bit**
I'm not sure how the limiters work, but the shapers can only affect egress, never ingress.
The world is more than one LAN and one WAN, it would be inherently wrong to call them LAN/WAN. The direction is in reference to the interface's perspective. On LAN, in is upload, out is download (for a simple LAN and WAN scenario). Limiters on WAN don't even apply to traffic from LAN.
I get that that one is upload and one is download it would clean things up if it was labeled that