Status / Monitoring Custom Period Suggestion
If the end date is left empty then use the current date / Time for the end.
I was messing around with the custom time periods last night:
I'll see what I can do. Out of curiosity, what use case do you have that you need a custom start date and a current end date where the presets don't work?
I was copying a bunch of files over to my NAS and wanted a look at the traffic graphs from the start of the transfer to the end over the bridged LAN to Wi-Fi segment.
I started the copy at 14:05 and it completed at 15:15 , over an hour and if I put 16 as the end hour I was getting "Error: The end date can't be in the future" when I ran the graph at 15:20.
If I put 15 as the end hour I'd not seen the last 15 mins of traffic.
Also there's a slight issue with the graph if the time period is less than 24 hours, could do with seeing the time at the bottom of the graph
ah I see, I fixed the "Error: The end date can't be in the future" issues. It will just use the last time the database was updated instead if the end date is larger.
Thanks for the heads up on the x axis, I created a ticket:
Ticket #6464 is fixed and should show up in the next 2.3.2 snapshots if you happen to run those and want to test it out.