Squidguard web pages display issues
I have the following installed:
pfSense 2.3.1-RELEASE-p1 (i386)
squidGuard 1.14_3
squid 0.4.18
Open-VM-Tools 1280544.13_2My issue: http://uk.farnell.com and http://www.mein-deutschbuch.de/ don't display correctly when squidguard is enabled
I deployed the blacklist from this site and it works OK, I first thought it was causing the problem, hence I disabled it, but seems it has nothing to do with this issue. Just you know, I also have two entries in "Target Categories"
Any thing I can do about it? It is really annoying and renders squidguard useless if it is going to tamper with web pages this way. When squidguard is disabled, squid alone causes no issues on the aforementioned websites.. I can provide snapshots if others are unable to reproduce this issue.
loaded correctly for me using shallalist
Actually, http://www.mein-deutschbuch.de/ is the same with shallalist..
I solved it by putting these two urls in the whitelist.
How can I debug this to see what being blocked in order to find what causes this issue?