Squid + Squidguard
I was done setting it up and tried some of my filtered url. but when i tried to play login on steam and download a game or update it. it says content servers unreachable. i tried going in steampowered.com it is blocked. i am using shallalist's blacklist.
Using pfsense 2.3.1 latest squid and squidguard. is it just me or it seems too buggy?
I used it as transparent mode cause the filtering does not work if not on transparent mode. -
It's not just you, on v 2.3.1_1, the Squid package it's broken and doesn't even install.
Reported to admin but they are just pretending that it's a user's problem rather than a problem with their software/package….. :(Update:
i just found a whole (locked) thread discussing all the problems of this version, even the admins seems to be having a hard time, i tried this but it didn't work, i even changed the PFSense version i am using from the stable one 2.3.1_1 to the development version 2.3.2 to see if it would make any difference, but has exactly the same problems.
Here is the link if you want to give it a try:
https://forum.pfsense.org/index.php?topic=109967.0#msg624257Update: My problem has been fixed here https://forum.pfsense.org/index.php?topic=113092.msg631132#msg631132