PfSense-pkg-squid installation failed!
I install squid on today.
2.3.1-RELEASE (i386)
built on Tue May 17 18:46:37 CDT 2016
FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p3Installing pfSense-pkg-squid…
Updating pfSense-core repository catalogue...
pfSense-core repository is up-to-date.
Updating pfSense repository catalogue...
pfSense repository is up-to-date.
All repositories are up-to-date.
The following 15 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):New packages to be INSTALLED:
pfSense-pkg-squid: 0.4.16_2 [pfSense]
squid_radius_auth: 1.10 [pfSense]
squid: 3.5.19 [pfSense]
krb5: 1.14.1 [pfSense]
pkgconf: 0.9.12_1 [pfSense]
cyrus-sasl: 2.1.26_12 [pfSense]
squidclamav: 6.14 [pfSense]
c-icap: 0.4.2,2 [pfSense]
c-icap-modules: 0.4.2_1 [pfSense]
clamav: 0.99.1 [pfSense]
unzoo: 4.4_2 [pfSense]
arc: 5.21p [pfSense]
lha: 1.14i_6 [pfSense]
arj: 3.10.22_4 [pfSense]
json-c: 0.12_2 [pfSense]The process will require 26 MiB more space.
7 MiB to be downloaded.
pkg: Not Found
FailedWhat should i do?
I looked at some of the other threads in this subforum and noticed that this seems to be a common issue right now. Anyone who knows better should correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the best bet would be to try and find a 2.3 iso (not 2.3.1_1 or 2.3.1) and try to install squid there. Other than that we're gonna have to wait for pfSense (or whomever the squid package manager is) to fix this on their end.
Anyone who knows better should correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the best bet would be to try and find a 2.3 iso (not 2.3.1_1 or 2.3.1) and try to install squid there.
The packages are independent of the release version. Go ahead and rollback to 2.3.0 if you like but the same squid package will be there as it is for 2.3.1.
Well, if he does go back to 2.3.0 and it works, then we know it's an issue with pfSense and not the package. If it doesn't then we know it's the package. At the very least it gives us more answers towards the problem which can hopefully lead to a solution.
Strangely enough my server began exhibiting this behavior today. I'm on 2.3.1 and I can't install any packages, nor can I re-install old ones. Not to mention my pkg DB was corrupted and had to be rebuilt. Something weird is definitely going on here. I might re-install the server tomorrow (when I can get physical access) and try again.
Looks like it might be a cache issue. In the console try and do the following
cd /var/cache/pkg ls -al | grep "squid"
If it finds anything (and even if it doesn't), just do the following to clear it:
cd /var/cache/pkg rm -rf *
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't do that last command ANYWHERE but in the /var/cache/pkg folder or it will mess things up.