How to make a voucher expire when it reached a usage of 500MB
I find it extremely useful to have captive portal and vouchers. But now I have a new requirement to limit voucher user's total usage (not limiting their speed for certain time period). So I want vouchers to expire when they reached a certain limit of total usage in MBs. How can I accomplish this?
Thank you
You can't with the built-in voucher system. You can by doing a RADIUS setup that essentially creates fake vouchers (a hard coded password in the portal page, and the voucher is the username). Then configure your RADIUS server accordingly.
Thank you very much m8.. I made it.. it's all cuz of you!!
Thank you very much m8.. I made it.. it's all cuz of you!!
How do you do it my friend (srilanka) did you use Windows Server as A radius Server OR What?
Thanks in advance …..
i am also interested dear :) :)