What are the right permissions… squidGuard.log
2.3.1-RELEASE-p5 (amd64)
built on Thu Jun 16 12:53:15 CDT 2016
FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p3
squid: 0.4.21
squidGuard: 1.14_3Overall "problem" is when I'm looking at Package / Squid / Monitor (squid_monitor.php) then table section for Squid Cache Table is empty with the exception of multiple lines of Date/Time of 31.12.1969 16:00:00. I thought at one time that was showing data. So I looked at /var/squid/logs/(access.log and cache.log) and within the cache.log top most line reads
(squidGuard): can't write to logfile /var/log/squidGuard/squidGuard.log
Looking at the permissions of /var/log/squidGuard/ I have group: squid [100] and owner: squid [100] with 0755
Looking at the permissions of /var/log/squidGuard/squidGuard.log I have group: squid [100] and owner: root [0] with 0644 (had to add \ else message board thought I was starting a bullet list)Can I get anyone to confirm for me that is the right/wrong permission on that *.log file? I'm thinking it ought to be squid/squid but not sure.
I think you probably meant to post this question in the Cache/Proxy sub-forum and not the IDS/IPS sub-forum. Perhaps you can get a moderator to move it for you.