OpenVPN and bridging
I have the regular openvpn client working on my android to my pfsense, would like to try bridging now, apparently things since 2012 may have changed? following instructions in and my android gives me "tun_prop_error: one of ifconfig or ifconfig-ipv6 must be specified".
anyoen done this lately?
So you want to use tap vs tun? Why exactly do you feel you need to be on the same network as your remote location? Are you trying to broadcast for something, use multicast? what? There really is very few things that would justify "bridging" your openvpn connection.
So you want to use tap vs tun? Why exactly do you feel you need to be on the same network as your remote location? Are you trying to broadcast for something, use multicast? what? There really is very few things that would justify "bridging" your openvpn connection.
my directv box wont let me do lots of things unless it thinks im on the same network. It is on my home /24 network, using a /24 bitmask, and my VPN network is a smaller /29 network part of the same /24 network, but outside of what would be the same /29 that the directv box would be on if i left its IP the same but put its netmask to /29. Was thinking that pfSense would proxy arp to the directv box in place of my VPN client but it apparently isnt happening.
Hoping that by having a layer2 VPN here it would work.