Error al descargar squid en pfsense 2.3.2
Hola que tal.
Quisisera una ayuda con este problema sobre la instalación de del squid en pfsense 2.3.2. Al descargarlo, al final me entrega un error que no me había pasado anteriormente, y la cual no se solucionar. Aca les muestro lo que me aparece. Cualquier ayudita en solucionarlo le estare muy agradecido.Installing pfSense-pkg-squid…
Updating pfSense-core repository catalogue...
pfSense-core repository is up-to-date.
Updating pfSense repository catalogue...
pfSense repository is up-to-date.
All repositories are up-to-date.
Updating database digests format: . done
The following 15 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):New packages to be INSTALLED:
pfSense-pkg-squid: 0.4.21 [pfSense]
squid_radius_auth: 1.10 [pfSense]
squid: 3.5.19_1 [pfSense]
krb5: 1.14.2 [pfSense]
pkgconf: 0.9.12_1 [pfSense]
cyrus-sasl: 2.1.26_12 [pfSense]
squidclamav: 6.14 [pfSense]
c-icap: 0.4.3,2 [pfSense]
c-icap-modules: 0.4.3 [pfSense]
clamav: 0.99.2 [pfSense]
unzoo: 4.4_2 [pfSense]
arc: 5.21p [pfSense]
lha: 1.14i_6 [pfSense]
arj: 3.10.22_4 [pfSense]
json-c: 0.12_2 [pfSense]Number of packages to be installed: 15
The process will require 27 MiB more space.
7 MiB to be downloaded.
Fetching pfSense-pkg-squid-0.4.21.txz: …... done
Fetching squid_radius_auth-1.10.txz: . done
Fetching squid-3.5.19_1.txz: .......... done
Fetching krb5-1.14.2.txz: .......... done
Fetching pkgconf-0.9.12_1.txz: ... done
Fetching cyrus-sasl-2.1.26_12.txz: .......... done
Fetching squidclamav-6.14.txz: ...... done
Fetching c-icap-0.4.3,2.txz: .......... done
Fetching c-icap-modules-0.4.3.txz: .......... done
Fetching clamav-0.99.2.txz: .......... done
Fetching unzoo-4.4_2.txz: .. done
Fetching arc-5.21p.txz: .... done
Fetching lha-1.14i_6.txz: .... done
Fetching arj-3.10.22_4.txz: .......... done
Fetching json-c-0.12_2.txz: .... done
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
[1/15] Installing pkgconf-0.9.12_1…
[1/15] Extracting pkgconf-0.9.12_1: ….... done
[2/15] Installing unzoo-4.4_2…
[2/15] Extracting unzoo-4.4_2: .. done
[3/15] Installing arc-5.21p…
[3/15] Extracting arc-5.21p: …... done
[4/15] Installing lha-1.14i_6…
[4/15] Extracting lha-1.14i_6: .. done
[5/15] Installing arj-3.10.22_4…
[5/15] Extracting arj-3.10.22_4: …....... done
[6/15] Installing json-c-0.12_2…
[6/15] Extracting json-c-0.12_2: …....... done
[7/15] Installing krb5-1.14.2…
[7/15] Extracting krb5-1.14.2: …....... done
[8/15] Installing cyrus-sasl-2.1.26_12…
*** Added groupcyrus' (id 60) *** Added user
cyrus' (id 60)
[8/15] Extracting cyrus-sasl-2.1.26_12: …....... done
[9/15] Installing c-icap-0.4.3,2…
===> Creating groups.
Creating group 'c_icap' with gid '959'.
===> Creating users
Creating user 'c_icap' with uid '959'.
[9/15] Extracting c-icap-0.4.3,2: …....... done
[10/15] Installing clamav-0.99.2…
===> Creating groups.
Creating group 'clamav' with gid '106'.
Using existing group 'mail'.
===> Creating users
Creating user 'clamav' with uid '106'.
Adding user 'clamav' to group 'mail'.
[10/15] Extracting clamav-0.99.2: …....... done
[11/15] Installing squid_radius_auth-1.10…
[11/15] Extracting squid_radius_auth-1.10: …. done
[12/15] Installing squid-3.5.19_1…
===> Creating groups.
Creating group 'squid' with gid '100'.
===> Creating users
Creating user 'squid' with uid '100'.
install: not found
pkg: PRE-INSTALL script failed
Failed -
Se puede solucionar por consola utilizando
pkg update -f
pkg upgrade -fo
- Update from console