Lightsquid report times out
I don't know what I'm missing. I'm trying to set up a pfSense 2.3.2 box with Squid and LightSquid. I have it all set up with Squid as a transparent proxy. I cannot get LightSquid to generate a report, however. I've followed the steps 1, 3 and 4 as listed in the Squid Proxy Report settings page, but when I click the button to Open Lightsquid, a new blank page loads, nothing appears, and after a long while, I get the message "Server not responding" (a timeout error I suppose) but I have verified that the server and port do match the LAN IP address and the port number listed in the Lightsquid settings page.
I tried setting up a firewall rule on the LAN interface to allow IPv4 TCP traffic from any source and port to the LAN address on port 7445. This did not help.
All services are running except for clamd and c-icap, but I don't have clamav installed.
This box is a fresh new install; I just installed pfSense on a newly wiped computer. The only packages installed are Squid and Lightsquid.
This used to work when I was running 2.2.x versions, but not on the latest version.
What might I be missing or doing wrong?
Okay, I discovered that the problem might be with the web browser I'm using. I can bring up the report in Firefox, but not at all in Safari. Turning off SSL doesn't make a difference. Trying in a new user and clearing all caches and history doesn't do the trick either.