Installation Hang
I have an IBM xSeries 330 with dual PIII 1.13GHz procs, 1Gig RAM, 3Ware IDE RAID controller and 2 WD 20Gig Hard drives. The server has 2 built-in 10/100 MB/s interfaces. When I put the 0.90 LiveCD in the system and boot it hangs after recognizing the second CPU
SMB:AP CPU #1 Launched!
No errors nothing any idea?
Turn off floppy support in the bios.
I disabled the floppy and it did not change the error.
I am testing the RAID right now.
The 3Ware RAID controller is not the issue either. Disabled RAID, still same issue
If I wait a while say 2 minutes then I get the following error
acd0: TIMEOUT - READ_BIG retrying (1 retry left)
acd0: TIMEOUT - READ_BIG retrying (0 retry left)
acd0: TIMEOUT - READ_BIG timed outA couple lines priorit to the SMP: AP CPU #1 Launched!
it says the following:acd0: CDROM <lg cd-rom="" crn-8245b="" 1.13="">at ata0-master UDMA33
some times I can hear the cdrom trying really hard to read something. I burned the cd on a machine at 16x and 4x to see if that made a difference.
I am going to try burning the cd on a different machine to see if that makes a difference.</lg>
Tried burning cd iso image with another machine and it still hangs at same place.
Any ideas?
I realized the site I downloaded the iso image from only had the 0.90 version. I am currently downloading the 0.92 version to see if that helps any.
wish me luck.
No change…. Any more ideas?
Interestingly enough I changed out the CDROM reader and I still got the same error, however, this time it said it was a MEDIUM ERROR and after about 10 error messages went on through
So I have successfully installed it on the hard drive mirror using a 3Ware 7002 card and 2 20Gig WD Hard drives.
One reason I wanted to use a bsd based firewall is that it just seems to work. NONE…repeat NONE of the Linux based firewalls see the 3ware card which is too bad because a couple of them are pretty good too and offered some some pretty cool are two I was looking at: - This one is pretty good I have used it in the past.
and I found this one recently but again no workie with IDE RAID :( BUT LOTS of coolio features!!!
Thanks for the help.
Now I just have to put it in place, but that will be tomorrow as I now only have 5 hours to get some sleep.
Thanks again!
In the bios you can set the MP(muliti-processor) support version….by default it's version 1.4.....set it back to version 1.1, I've had really odd problems in the past with this.
I have been testing with pfsense but it seems very instable, I get random crashes during installation (the interface doesn't respond to any input) and when I do managed to get through the install process without any errors it seems to crash on the user interface.
For instance: I just assigned the interfaces and it just says "one moment while we reload…", after about 5 mins it finally said "welcome to pfsense" and listed the interfaces.... then a couple of mins later it repeated that... now it shows the pfsense console setup menu again... and beneath that 3 times "welcome to pfsesnse..." it doesn't respond to the keyboard at all :(
What is also weird, in m0n0wall (which uses an earlier version of FreeBSD) I can attach my USB keyboard without any problems. In pfsense I had to attach a ps/2 keyboard because it didn't repond to input from the USB keyboard.
I have this hardware:
(A P4 3,4 ghz with 1Gb memory and a 74Gb sata harddisk) -
I have an IBM xSeries 330 with dual PIII 1.13GHz procs, 1Gig RAM, 3Ware IDE RAID controller and 2 WD 20Gig Hard drives. The server has 2 built-in 10/100 MB/s interfaces. When I put the 0.90 LiveCD in the system and boot it hangs after recognizing the second CPU
SMB:AP CPU #1 Launched!
No errors nothing any idea?
Did you find any resolution to the origional problem? I have a IBM x330 with the exact same problem booting 1.01 from CD. Even installing to HD make no difference. I've tried all the comments people made above, but it still gets stuck here booting for 4-6 minutes, and then continues???
Disable the floppy controller in the bios and see if that helps.
My system at home actually is an IBM eserver e330. You need to disable the floppy controller and you need to disable cdrom dma modes (see -> hw.ata.atapi_dma=0 ). Besides that it's working fine, even with the scsi raid controller.
I have the same problem. The computer always freezes right after detecting DVD-rom.
Other notes:
- If i plug in a floppy drive, it will read from the floppy before it freezes
- No change if i disable floppy in bios
- Tried 4 different cd-rom's, all freezes at the same point
- Tried two different cd''s.
- Tried different connection setups (master/slave/ide1/ide2)
Last line shown before freezing is usually:
"GEOM_LABEL: Label for provider acd0 is iso9660/pfSense"Does anyone have any suggestions? Using the latest (1.01) image btw.
Disable dma for atapi cdroms (see ).
Disable dma for atapi cdroms (see ).
I don't have any specific dma options in the extremely simple compaq bios, but i "disabled" all ide related features.
I also chose option 6 when booting to get to command line and wrote the set commands before i entered "boot" - but still it just freezes.
I can see that both harddrive and dvd-rom was mounted in PIO4 mode, so dma is disabled.sullrich: Only the first sentence there applies to me, and i have already tried disabling the floppy. To start with i didn't even had a floppy drive connected.
Thanks for your quick replies.
You dont need to disable it in the bios. The page that hoba pointed out has instructions on how to do so.
You dont need to disable it in the bios. The page that hoba pointed out has instructions on how to do so.
Yes, but it is disabled - it says PIO4 for both the harddrive and cd-rom.
I also have tested with an very old cd-rom which doesn't even support dma.
You are still missing the point. You need to tell FreeBSD to disable it.