2.3.3 reboot crash report
Those packages wouldn't help/hurt, I was more interested in the "pkg info -x php" command output I showed above.
Sorry, here it is:
/root: pkg info -x php php-suhosin-0.9.38 php-xdebug-2.4.0 php56-5.6.25 php56-bcmath-5.6.25 php56-bz2-5.6.25 php56-ctype-5.6.25 php56-curl-5.6.25 php56-dom-5.6.25 php56-filter-5.6.25 php56-gettext-5.6.25 php56-hash-5.6.25 php56-json-5.6.25 php56-ldap-5.6.25 php56-mbstring-5.6.25 php56-mcrypt-5.6.25 php56-opcache-5.6.25_1 php56-openssl-5.6.25 php56-pcntl-5.6.25 php56-pdo-5.6.25 php56-pdo_sqlite-5.6.25 php56-pfSense-module-0.12 php56-posix-5.6.25 php56-readline-5.6.25 php56-session-5.6.25 php56-shmop-5.6.25 php56-simplexml-5.6.25 php56-sockets-5.6.25 php56-sqlite3-5.6.25 php56-sysvmsg-5.6.25 php56-sysvsem-5.6.25 php56-sysvshm-5.6.25 php56-tokenizer-5.6.25 php56-xml-5.6.25 php56-xmlreader-5.6.25 php56-xmlwriter-5.6.25 php56-zlib-5.6.25 /root:
Strange that your suhosin.so is a different file size from mine, though the version and architecture match.
Try reinstalling it:
pkg upgrade -f php-suhosin-0.9.38
Reinstalling suhosin fixes the crash. I wonder how it got out of sync?
Looking at the directory, it seems there are others (xdebug, rrd, radius, zmq, pfSense, ssh2) that are out of sync as well. Is there anything that you would like me to check on before I force a reinstall?
Nothing comes to mind. Was this box freshly installed with 2.3.3 or was it upgrade from 2.3.2?
Upgraded from 2.3.2. It's a test system that follows prerelease snapshots of the 2.3.X series.
And thanks for all the quick responses Jim. Much appreciated.
This issue has appeared again with the 2.3.2_1 release:
https://forum.pfsense.org/index.php?topic=119298.0In my case, this was a production SG-4860, never used for dev/test. Just continually updated with release versions since install June 2015. I think there is something here.
It would be great if there were a way to perform a system wide package validation or force a re-install of all packages.
I believe there is a reinstall all packages in one of the menus.
Are you are thinking of the higher level pfSense packages, such as pfBlockerNG, nut, ntopng, etc., which are what you would find in the menu system? I'm referring to the 150+ lower level FreeBSD packages that pfSense is built upon.