Saw this on HN today…
FreeBSD 11.0 amd64 binaries (
Exciting news for the project :) -
Already available after update. :)
Saw this on HN today…
FreeBSD 11.0 amd64 binaries (
Exciting news for the project :)That is not the better source.
It's not out until FreeBSD says it's out.
For each release, someone inevitably jumps the gun and "announces" it before FreeBSD says it's officially ready, like they've discovered some great secret and want to scoop everyone else on the news.
Problem is, these may not be the official release images. It's happened before where they've had to be re-rolled. Mirrors aren't ready, other infrastructure isn't ready. Any number of reasons could prevent it from being officially blessed as a release yet.
Patience, you must have, my young Padawans.
And as predicted, it had to be re-rolled for some security updates. Hopefully nobody jumped all over those images right away:
Maybe this time! ;)
This time does look better :-)
I've upgraded a couple of my FreeBSD boxes to 11, so far so good.