Per-User Dashboard
Hi All
I think this is more of a feature request than a question/issue, but I can't seem to find a way to do this.I want to be able to customise the dashboard depending on which user logs in. From what I can see the dashboard is global and if user "A" edits the dashboard it also edits for user "B".
I use LDAP auth to the UI but if it only works for local accounts I could live with that.
I just want different logins seeing different info on the dashboard.
Have you looked in System / User Manager / Users / Edit - Custom Settings?
"Use individual customized GUI options and dashboard layout for this user."
Not sure if that setting also saves per user dashboard widgets. But it might be worth a try if you haven't already.
AWESOME! That did the job, I have looked at that screen about 100 times and never noticed that option, thanks heaps for that :)