Pass-through MAC Auto Entry Only gor Users, not for vouchers
is it possible to use the option in CP "Pass-through MAC Auto Entry" only for users I set up on System > User Manager?
We use User-Accounts for the teachers but will also have teachers as guests, who will get a temporary voucher. I dont want an auto-entry for the guests. They need to order a new Voucher every day.
Thanks for your help.
The clean solution :
Use a second interface with a second portal.
The first one accepts Local Users and auto add MAC.
The second accepts only vouchers.The "bits and bytes" solution :
Nail down the place where the test is made if a MAC address should be added to the MAC pass-through list.
Add your own test that skips the "MAC pass-through" adding part IF the login was done with a "voucher". -
You mean another cp on the same interface?
Our APU board has only 3 port. 1 port for teachers, 1 port for students and one for WAN.
Yes, another interface.
Two different portails can't run on the same interface.
Maybe some VLAN trick can give you a solution.
Btw : see my message above : I added another solution.
The "bits and bytes" solution :
Nail down the place where the test is made if a MAC address should be added to the MAC pass-through list.
Add your own test that skips the "MAC pass-through" adding part IF the login was done with a "voucher".I don't get this. I'm new at pfsense … sorry ...-.-
The "bits and bytes" solution :
Nail down the place where the test is made if a MAC address should be added to the MAC pass-through list.
Add your own test that skips the "MAC pass-through" adding part IF the login was done with a "voucher".I don't get this. I'm new at pfsense … sorry ...-.-
pfSense is a software product.
You actually have 99,99% of the source code at your disposal. So the possibilities are unlimited.I advise you to look for a 4 NIC box.