Install pfSense-pkg-nrpe-2.3.1_1.txz
Fetching pfSense-pkg-nrpe-2.3.1_1.txz: . done
Fetching nrpe-ssl-2.15_6.txz: … done
Fetching nagios-plugins-2.1.3,1.txz: .......... done
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
[1/3] Installing nagios-plugins-2.1.3,1…
[1/3] Extracting nagios-plugins-2.1.3,1: …....... done
[2/3] Installing nrpe-ssl-2.15_6…
===> Creating groups.
Creating group 'nagios' with gid '181'.
===> Creating users
Creating user 'nagios' with uid '181'.
/bin/sh: install: not found
pkg: PRE-INSTALL script failed
Failed -
Dropping a note here to match what I put on the bug report you opened:
On a current snapshot, the package installs fine for me. Please update and try again.
I get the same error on a fresh install. Also see this error when attempting to install Squid.
2.4.0-BETA (amd64)
built on Mon Nov 14 17:01:17 CST 2016
FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p3The system is on the latest version.
What other packages do you have installed?
What other packages do you have installed?
When I first ran into this I was restoring my config file. It tried to install Squid, Lightsquid, Squidguard, Cron, and OpenVPN Export. The only packages that installed were Lightsquid, Cron, and OpenVPN Export.
I then rebuilt clean and did not restore a config file. I tried to install the nrpe package since I saw here that it had the same error and was possibly working. The install failed. I then tried to install squid and received the same error as the OP.
I was able to reproduce it on a fresh install only, we've had that happen before though. Since the description on the nrpe ticket was not the actual problem, I started a new ticket and referenced the older 2.3.x ticket where this happened before:
It looks like this issue is fixed now. I put a note on the bug report you filed.