Any updates on implementing fq_codel
I have used this guide for evenly sharing.
Limiters is not the right thing you are looking for, you should do proper traffic sorting on shaper side, ex using HFSC and your torrent and http download must not share one queue, then you can set link share percents or bandwidth limits under service curve, for example setting 1% for torrent queue [qlow and qacklow in my sample setup] will limit this queue to 1% of overall bandwidth if any other queue wants full speed at the same time.
If by using HFSC and your torrent and http download must not share one queue you mean to have queue qOthersHigh for http and qP2P for my torrents, then my setup is like that.
In my qP2P queue i have set 50Kb at Linkshare, so to limit torrents to 50kb/sec when other queue with more bandwidth requests it.
My traffic is assigned to queues with Floating Rules.Also at the queues i have not enabled any option like RED or ECN. I have enabled Codec at qOthersHigh and at qDefault (traffic that does not match any floating rule is assigned there).
Let's say i download some torrents from one computer and a file from HTTP at another computer:
If i don't enable the rule at LAN interface, which assigns the traffic to the Limiters (in order to share bandwidth evenly between devices), then the torrent is throttled almost perfectly.
If i enable the LAN rule, then for some seconds the bandwidth is throttled down to the limit set at qP2P queue and for some other seconds is shared evenly between devices. So the qP2P limit is not being applied all the time.
If i do not enable the LAN rule, i download 1 HTTP file from one computer and more than one HTTP files from another (both downloads belong to the same queue) then the bandwidth is not evenly shared between the two computers.
So i'm looking for a setup that does the following:
Correctly applying any speed limit set to a queue
Evenly share the bandwidth between devices, for downloads that belong to the same queue
Since I don't use this setup anymore I can not comment problems you are facing now. I just know that shaper working on pf side and limiter is working on ipfw side, since it's two different firewalls there may be conflicts in their work.
I suggest you to create new topic in