Reboot During Upload Speed Test
I just got 2.4 up and running and decided to run the DSLReports SpeedTest. During the upload portion my router would reboot after a couple of seconds. This was the same behavior I reported here:
The only difference now from the bug I entered is that I am not using a traffic shaper now.
I tried it several times and it always rebooted. I reverted back to 2.3.2 with the same configuration and re-ran the speed test with no issues. I had a zfs mirror with 2.4 and mirrored my swap so I guess the 2.4 system was unable to save a crash dump.
My system is:
Supermicro A1SRI-2558F
120GB Intel 320 SSD
Frontier FiOS 150/150 -
Without any details about the crash dump we can't do anything for it.
I can't replicate any crash doing a speed test.
We'll at least need to see a crash dump/backtrace. If you've got a serial console on there, set your serial client to record the output and then replicate the crash conditions.
I will set 2.4 back up and replicate the crash.
If I do not mirror swap will the system generate a usable crash dump for you or is the serial console the only way to really get what you need?
If serial console is needed I will need to find some directions on how to set this up.
I am not sure about mirrored swap, it may be ZFS more than mirrored swap to blame. Try UFS with traditional swap and see what happens. I don't think we've yet run any tests to see what is needed for crash dumps on ZFS.
I setup the latest snapshot of 2.4 (11/16/16) on UFS. I then ran the DSLReports Speedtest. My box rebooted within a couple of seconds of starting the upload speed portion of the test.
I also submitted the dump from IP 47.XXX.X.182. I attached a screen grab of the speed test. My Upload speed is 150Mbps but the box crashes right around 15Mbps. I can run this test with 2.3.2 without issue with this configuration file.
Crash report begins. Anonymous machine information: amd64 11.0-RELEASE-p3 FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p3 #185 dd6dc55(RELENG_2_4): Wed Nov 16 16:14:40 CST 2016 Crash report details: Filename: /var/crash/bounds 1 Filename: /var/crash/info.0 Dump header from device: /dev/ada0p3 Architecture: amd64 Architecture Version: 2 Dump Length: 581373952 Blocksize: 512 Dumptime: Wed Nov 16 23:23:04 2016 Hostname: pfsense.wagsnet.lan Magic: FreeBSD Kernel Dump Version String: FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p3 #185 dd6dc55(RELENG_2_4): Wed Nov 16 16:14:40 CST 2016 Panic String: sbsndptr: sockbuf 0xfffff800774601b8 and mbuf 0xfffff801cd71d200 clashing Dump Parity: 2673792273 Bounds: 0 Dump Status: good Filename: /var/crash/info.last Dump header from device: /dev/ada0p3 Architecture: amd64 Architecture Version: 2 Dump Length: 581373952 Blocksize: 512 Dumptime: Wed Nov 16 23:23:04 2016 Hostname: pfsense.wagsnet.lan Magic: FreeBSD Kernel Dump Version String: FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p3 #185 dd6dc55(RELENG_2_4): Wed Nov 16 16:14:40 CST 2016 Panic String: sbsndptr: sockbuf 0xfffff800774601b8 and mbuf 0xfffff801cd71d200 clashing Dump Parity: 2673792273 Bounds: 0 Dump Status: good Filename: /var/crash/minfree 2048
Maybe this is interesting:
I added this to /boot/loader.conf.local
I can now complete the test without a panic. The upload portion looks a little choppy but maybe that is just the DSLReports servers.
I just reproduced this on my new apu2c4 as well. With default settings the system panics during the upload portion of the DSLReports Speedtest.
I can prevent this from happening by editing the /boot/loader.conf.local with the following:
I have not tried other numbers of queues but both of these settings allow the test to complete without a reboot. This may actually have the same root cause as an issue I was seeing when using traffic shaping. See this bug report:
Should I enter a new bug for this?
I have had same crashes on igb cards with 2.4, but with shaper enabled and test, I think load does matter. But on latest versions I can not reproduce the crash.
All I have in loader.conf.local regarding igb is