Issues with windows 10pc's not getting valid dhcp6 lease without manual command.
I hope someone can help please. I have setup my pfsense box and everything seems to work fine apart from an issue with my windows 10 pc's which I don't seem able to find a solution. My ISP supports IPV6 and all is well on the wan side.
The issue I have is my win10 clients seem to be ignoring the pfsense dhcp6 server or the pfsense is ignoring the windows pc's ? - basically they all fail to get a dhcp6 lease upon boot-up. I have found that I can make them get a lease and show up in the status screen by manually running " ipconfig /renew6" - if I do this they all get a valid lease and show up properly on pfsense dhcp6 status.
For now I have manually created a task/batch file on each machine and it all seems to work fine but I can't seem to find out why none of them will obtain a valid lease from the pfsense box on their own when booted without the batch file??
Any help appreciated as it just seems a bit odd.
Many thanks for any help with this..
I am on 2.3.3.a.20161114.1700
It's a W10 problem. Check this thread
Cheers - well at least I know it wasn't anything I was doing ;D
Will stick with the batch file for now as its still not been fixed according to other link in the post
Make sure you execute that batch every 1h14 min. Usually the DHCPv6 address gets deprecated every 1h15 min.