KVM High LoadAverage Understanding
I installed pfsense on a kvm/ubuntu_server_14.04 machine, with intel celeron 2 core and 4GB RAM.
I have allocated 2 CPU and 2GB RAM to the 'virtual pfsense firewall'.
I also checked this 2 box on pfsense web_gui :Hardware TCP Segmentation Offloading Hardware Large Receive Offloading
And on the kvm/ubuntu_server_14.04 machine this from command line :
#That's is 4 find the virtual interface used by pfsense for vm in $(virsh list | grep running | awk '{print $2}'); do echo -n "$vm:"; virsh dumpxml $vm| grep -oP "vnet\d+" ; done #That's the Output PfSenseFireWall:vnet1 vnet2 #That's the command used 4 turn off tx offloading sudo ethtool -K vnet1 tx off sudo ethtool -K vnet2 tx off
I add this in rc.local :
# Turn tx OffLoading @ Boot sudo ethtool -K vnet1 tx off sudo ethtool -K vnet2 tx off
I've installed this package on pfsense :
freeradius2 iperf ntopng
I set 3 interface :
em0 wan em1 lan ovpnc1 vpn_client
On LAN I've enabled a Captive Portal with a custom page (login..error..ecc..) and I autenticate users using freeradius.
No shaper is enabled . In the future I'll add some other wan with VLAN on the actual wan interface.
But now I need to understand this command line 's output :top -aSH PID USERNAME PRI NICE SIZE RES STATE C TIME WCPU COMMAND 11 root 155 ki31 0K 32K CPU0 0 59:24 97.75% [idle{idle: cp 11 root 155 ki31 0K 32K RUN 1 59:45 96.97% [idle{idle: cp 51557 root 20 0 158M 37280K nanslp 1 0:46 2.88% /usr/local/bin 4 root -16 - 0K 32K - 0 0:42 0.98% [cam{doneq0}] 12 root -60 - 0K 288K WAIT 1 0:21 0.20% [intr{swi4: cl 12 root -88 - 0K 288K WAIT 1 0:21 0.20% [intr{irq15: a 0 root -92 - 0K 192K - 0 0:07 0.10% [kernel{dummyn 20 root 16 - 0K 16K syncer 1 0:04 0.10% [syncer] 0 root -16 - 0K 192K swapin 1 0:38 0.00% [kernel{swappe 12 root -88 - 0K 288K WAIT 1 0:14 0.00% [intr{irq14: a 12 root -56 - 0K 288K WAIT 1 0:12 0.00% [intr{swi5: fa 50894 root 20 0 24028K 4268K kqread 1 0:07 0.00% redis-server: 310 root 42 0 278M 54536K select 0 0:04 0.00% /usr/local/bin 51557 root 20 0 158M 37280K nanslp 1 0:04 0.00% /usr/local/bin 12 root -92 - 0K 288K WAIT 1 0:02 0.00% [intr{irq11: r 14 root -8 - 0K 48K - 1 0:02 0.00% [geom{g_down}] 18 root 20 - 0K 32K sdflus 1 0:02 0.00% [bufdaemon{/ w[/code] [code]5:09PM up 1:31, 1 user, load averages: 1.33, 1.43, 1.49[/code] Who's idle ? Is this process using 97.75% of CPU ? [code] 11 root 155 ki31 0K 32K CPU0 0 59:24 97.75% [idle{idle: cp 11 root 155 ki31 0K 32K RUN 1 59:45 96.97% [idle{idle: cp[/code] There is a way to reduce the load average ? [code]1 user, load averages: 1.33, 1.43, 1.49[/code] I try to install kvm using virt type = qemu and in a second test using virt type = kvm But with the same results . Can someone write what are the performance using more wan tagged with VLAN using switch and interface 1000GB and if I can have problem using kvm ? Thx in advance 4 any reply. Best regards Christian Arminio [/code]