HAProxy randomly "failing", need to restart service to fix
So i have HAProxy running and, on occasion, it seems to fail. By Fail i mean that when i try to access my website behind the proxy i get a browser warning about an unsecure website (like you do with self signed certs). If i click to continue it shows a PFSense screen warning about (If i remember correctly) a reverse DNS attack or something similar (i'll update with the exact message when it happens again.
To fix - i simply restart the HAProxy service and it all starts to work - the HAProxy service IS operational though prior to restarting.
PfSense - 2.3.2-RELEASE-p1
HaProxy - 0.48_1Any ideas how i can diagnose this further?
I haven't used HAProxy before, but is it a warning about a DNS Rebind attack? If so, you can set NAT reflection for the NAT. There is also a setting for DNS rebind in System-Advanced, I believe. Those may help to troubleshoot the next time it goes down.
I would move webgui to a non-standard port like 1443 or something, and disable the webgui-redirect.. Then at least you wont unintentionally end up on the webgui when trying to visit the wan-ip.