Issue using Squid & LightSquid
I am trying to monitor the traffic on a pfsense server with subnet.
So I installed packages Squid & LightSquid but i am unable to use it (see attachment #1).
I enabled the proxy, users on interface, transparent HTTP proxy & Access Logging (see attachment #2).
The file access.log is empty (see attachment #3).
Do you know why ? Could you help me ?
In squid's settings for Proxy Interface(s), you should have Loopback selected as well as LAN. Second, you're running squid in transparent mode which requires the installation of a certificate on every client that will use the proxy or HTTPS sites will generate errors. Have you done this? In general,l I always recommend to not use transparent mode and use WPAD instead to let your clients discover the proxy on their own.
Thank you for your answer.
As you can see on screenshots, the selected interface is LAN and we are not using proxy on HTTPS for now.
I will try it when HTTP will work first.I don't known what is WPAD and how it works, I am not an expert of pfSense, I am just trying to configure it well :)
So, I'm able to hear all your suggestions. -
Select Loopback as one of the squid interfaces along with LAN. Manually configure a desktop client to use the proxy, then try to go some website. Does it work? Do you see any action in squid's access.log?
I added loopback to the proxy interface, access.log is still empty.
Should I configure a client to use it ? This is a transparent proxy, this should be automatic, isn't it ?
I tried to configure it manually into Internet Explorer options but all page loading failed.It appears that Squid daemon is unable to start.
If it's transparent then yes it should just pick up all port 80 traffic. It should just work. You could shell in and take a look at /var/squid/logs/cache.log and see if there are any errors. I would also recommend removing the squid package and then reinstalling it. That some times works for these weird glitches.