PfSense Hangout - January 2017 - Squid/SquidGuard/Lightsquid on pfSense 2.3/2.4
The January 2017 Hangout is an updated look at Squid, SquidGuard, and Lightsquid on pfSense 2.3/2.4.
Join us Friday, January 27th, 2017 at 1PM CDT/2PM EDT.
It's been quite a while since we covered squid and the GUI/Backend have changed significantly in that time. The exact list of related topics that can be fit in is still undetermined but depends on how much time is available. So if you're hoping for a specific feature, I don't know if it will make the cut this month but if there is enough left over there might be a "Part 2" next month.
Reminder: This is today, and we'll be covering a basic squid/squidguard/lightsquid configuration along with HTTPS interception using either splice (no CA required) or bump (MITM), and AV.
I may have to skim over some parts that overlap the old hangout so we have more time to talk about new topics