Block Youtube on one machine on a schedule Squid + Squidguard + VPN
I have pfsense 2.3.2 up and working well with main subnet (192.168.1.x) that has a set of addresses below .50 that are setup to not go through VPN and have static IP's assigned (for things like appletvs and smart vs so that netflix and amazon work) and at .51 and above that are DHCP and all run through VPN. Also have a guest network only accessible through wifi on 192.168.20.x (vlan 20 tagged through unifi LC AP) that does not route through VPN.
I am trying to setup a block of YouTube for one specific machine on a schedule. Before I get there though, I am trying to get squidguard to block anything.
I setup to run in non-transparent mode and have left ssl alone for now (i.e. turned off)
I created a simple target category with "" being the only thing listed in the domain list.
I then set that category to block in the common ACL (left all as allow)
I then changed the setting on my test client to use the proxy and when I refresh the network setting, it will block me from getting to the webgui (so I know it's sort of working) but will still allow me to get to I am thinking it might have something to do with my VPN?