PfSense version numbers
Seems you have updated already. Do you have the log for the first update to 2.3.4 ?
Maybe that will be fixed at some point, or reinstall.To reinstall, better to disable packages, save the config & RRD data, save any other files (eg : Suricata SID Management Configuration Files), install 2.3.3RC, restore config, restore files, re-enable packages.
ok, unfortunately I do not have other logs…
You mean that I've already updated to 2.3.3 but the wrong version is showing?
Looks more that you updated to 2.3.4 for now. That's probably almost identical to 2.3.3RC.
So, that brings me back to how I ended on 2.3.4….. :o
ok, if I just "wait" for 2.3.4 this should be fixed by then or you recommed to backup, reinstall and restore ? -
I'm not recommending this. But if the system is not critical and you want to experiment. You might gitsync it to RELENG_2_3_3.
playback gitsync --minimal --diff --show-files --dry-run git:// RELENG_2_3_3
Remove the dry-run option when you want to actually apply the changes.
Oh that's option 12 on the console. Also reboot after applying a gitsync.
Also note RELENG_2_3_3 went from RC to RELEASE this morning.
:-\ will try that when I feel brave enough!!!
Seriously, it's a VM (kvm) so, I can happily try that and restore from a backup if it fails!!! 8)
Thanks for your help and advice!
So, that brings me back to how I ended on 2.3.4….. :o
ok, if I just "wait" for 2.3.4 this should be fixed by then or you recommed to backup, reinstall and restore ?Because your updates were tracking RELENG_2_3. Which previously was 2.3.3 Development.
When 2.3.3 went to RC. A new branch for it, RELENG_2_3_3 was made from RELENG_2_3, and the RELENG_2_3 branch went to 2.3.4 development.
Since you where tracking RELENG_2_3 branch you went to 2.3.4 development along with it.
I don't think there is any reason to reinstall if your update setting is set to now track stable I don't think you'll get anymore updates from RELENG_2_3 (2.3.4 development). Your just a few commits ahead of RELENG_2_3_3 (2.3.3 release).
If you want to get back from being ahead. I think a gitsync would do it. But I don't know for sure and thus am not making this a recommendation.
If you have VM snapshot form 2/10 (or before) it will probably be of 2.3.3. You could go back to there and change the update setting to track stable.
If you have VM snapshot form 2/10 (or before) it will probably be of 2.3.3. You could go back to there and change the update setting to track stable.
The oldest snapshot I have is from 2/10 so I will try that al see what happens.
Thanks again!
Went back to 2/10 VM snapshop, switched to STABLE, upgraded from console and now I'm on 2.3.3-RC
Hi guys,
I had the same problem where I was running 2.3.4. I ran the gitsync command a from an earlier post & now the system reports 2.3.3 in the version box I still show:
Current Base System 2.3.4.a.20170227.0254
When I check for updates.
Is there a file I can edit to correct this?
I got this one today :)
Thank you very much :)