Help with Squid cache and error "13 Permission denied"
I am trying to deploy squid at my work. Hopefully it will save on multiple windows updates and users going to the same webpages (if they are not HTTPS). I have installed the package and did not change any settings. The issue I have is if I go to certian websites I will get an squid error page "Connection to (not real ip) failed System returned : (13) Permission Denied. I have deleted the package, reinstalled it. I have deleted the package and deleted the /var/squid directory and reinstalled it. But I get the same issue. Is there anything else I can do. I will list the settings below but I have not changed things.
Enable squid proxy –- checked
Proxy interfaces ----LAN
proxy port ---3128
Allow users to use interface ---- checked
Transparent HTTP Proxy ---- checked
Transparent proxy interfaces ---LAN
Enable Access Logging --- checked
Log store directory /var/squid/logsLOCAL CACHE PAGE
All defaults except Cache dynamic content ---checked -
Have you found a solution to this? I'm encountering the same issue with the same settings you've listed and I cannot find anything about it elsewhere…
Same issue here, but it appears to be intermittent. Anyone find a solution?
Help, I got same issue.
After rebooting the machine, it works.
Cant afford to keep restarting the machine, needing permanent fixed.Any advised?