E2 Guardian Install
Hey all,
I am pretty new to PfSense, I wanted to install E2 Guardian on my box. I needed some help on manually installing the latest version 3.5.0, I've tried looking at : http://knes1.github.io/blog/2015/2015-07-18-manually-installing-e2guardian-to-pfsense.html but I haven't been able to get it successfully installed. I'm using the latest version of PfSense 2.3.3.
Could anyone who uses E2 Guardian or knows how to install it, help me out please?
Thanks a lot in advance, I do understand that it needs to be built from source?
Take a look on this thread for 2.3.x install instructions
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Try this screencast
It's in Portuguese but I think it will help.
I strongly recommend e2guardian v5 under pfSense 2.4