Ntopng doesn't work after delete data
I have PfSense 2.3.2-RELEASE-p1. After clic on the button "Delete ntopng Data" ntop doesn't work. I have a timeout error. I try to restart the service but it is not ok.
How could I do to solve it?thanks for help
I've been doing this a lot recently - trying to make up for ntop not reporting in predictable periods. It works for me, but sometimes I have to restart ntopng more than once. My process is:
* ntopng settings
- take the tick out and save.
- click delete data
- put the tick in and saveAfter the many seconds of delay after that last save I try to access ntopng. Sometimes it works straight away and sometimes it doesn't (times-out).
If it doesn't work, I use the pfsense services list to stop and then start ntopng. Usually ntopng will work again at this point, but sometimes I have had to try a second or a third time before it all works again.
Obviously not ideal, but that's what I've been doing for now.
None of this would be necessary if ntopng would allow reporting in fixed periods.